Sunday, January 6, 2013

Oh lookie.. another arabic writing

 أفكار ليلٍ متشردة

جلست في ذلك السرير بعد منتصف الليل والنافذة مشقوقة لاخرها. جلست استمع إلى صريخ العاصفة و ضوضائها وخرابها. أحببت خراب الطبيعة هذا، فكان مطمئناً لأنه ليس صوت خراب حرب أو خراباً مصنوعاً على أيدي شرورٍ بشرية. الكهرباء منقطعة كما تعودنا والريح والمطر يحملان عطر بائعات الهوى اللواتي تقفن إلى جانب الشارع تحت أسقف المباني بعيداً عن انظار ابناء المنطقة. لمرةٍ لم أكن أعيد عرض أفكار ومسرحيات باطن عقلي، كنت فقط اكتب. صوت الرعد بدأ يخيفني ولكنني أعرف أنه ليس سوى رعدٌ هو ليس صوت مكنات الإرهاب والظلم والموت التي ولدت محظوظةً لا اسمعها كثيراً، ولكن فكري عند الذين يسمعونها، الدم في عروقي منهم. ولكن من المعقول أنه حالفني الحظ وولدت هنا في بيروت أعيش حياةً عادية مقارنةً بكثيرين بلا هدف أو موهبة أجرب أن أنسى انني لست سوى كومة تراب تنتظر الموت ببطء. وهذا ما يجمعني في الكل، أينما كانو، أيٍ كانو، وأياً كانت حالتهم ومجتمعهم واهدافهم ؛ أكياساً من التراب والوحل والقرف تنتظر الموت ناكرةً انتظارها. فجأةً يزول هذا العلم والتحليل والمنطق لحظة نعاسي... أغمضت عيناي ورأيت إبتسامةً تعيد إلقاء نفسها مرةً تلو الأخرى جاعلةً نسياني للعقل والواقع وفجأةً أخرى وجدت حياةً  في حياةٍ خالية من الحياة .

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


There are a lot of things we don't do, we don't think about doing. I drew a rainbow today. I've never drawn a rainbow before. Why haven't I drawn a rainbow before? It's beautiful. It's a rainbow. I rarely draw. I draw when I feel things. He made me feel like.. like rainbows. He smiles, he makes me happy. His smile makes me happy. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The beauty resides in the simplicity of it all. It's been a while since I've been happy. Things are simple and calm.. I love the quiet. I've been drifting off lately, inadvertantly. I find myself somewhere I've never been. Then someone speaks to me, I snap back. Where was I? It's like I haven't been there, I can't remember. I remeber the feeling though. I must've had been somewhere nice. They speak, trivial, useless things. "Why'd you cut your nails?" I don't care. They're just nails. They are stupid nails. "They looked nice before, what did you do?" I don't know. Fuck it. "Did you comb your hair?" It's just hair, mom. I don't get it. It's so silly. I'm not my body. I never was. Yet, suddenly I find myself taking care of it before I see people who make me happy. Why do I do that? I guess, I want to be presentable. I want them to smile so I could just be, I could be in my comfort zone. I should get out of there. I've been having these dreams at night. They feel so real, just me, wandering somewhere. I wanted him there, but he doesn't like the ocean. He doesn't like snow. I still wanted him there. He gets cold, but it was my own dream. There, I could fix the weather for you. I would fix the weather, and he would smile. He would smile and I would feel like rainbows.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Song Cover

I covered Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer. It's not that good but I felt like sharing ^_^

There ya go:

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Piece Of Yourself

I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday and he was discussing a certain problem he had with his girlfriend. The problem wasn't a big deal at all, he even said so. However, I felt that its concept should be shared.

So, think about a person you really genuinely care about and love. Now, imagine that person is one of those silly people whose conversations only revolve around what they did, where they went, some small talk, what others did, AND THAT'S IT. But it's okay. You love them anyway and since you do, you try to open bigger and much more important subjects, but they don't respond well to that. You aslo talk about real things that you like, things that annoy you, things you experience and feel, and things that are SOLID. But, they don't get it... AT ALL.

While you try to convey and discuss those things, your unconscious intention is basically just to share a piece of who you are; your natural flow. They don't take it that way. I'll give an example so that what I'm talking about would be clearer.

Let's say you have family issues that greatly annoy you and since you have that other person you share what annoys you with them. What you're doing here is being yourself and letting out what you're angry about in order to feel better. The other person takes this "silly" info in and doesn't really comment on it. They never share anything REAL about themselves. You know it. After a while, you and this other person that you "love" have a fight and what they bring out is that "Oh, well yea! you're angry because of all your family issues. Don't let that out on me. Your family is shit and that's why you're that way."


Was that expected? Did I share my personal things with you so you'd use them AGAINST me? That's horrible.

We actually genuinely share pieces and bits of ourselves not expecting that significant other to do the same, but we'd like it if they did; it's our nature. However, all they do is actually store that information as if it's some kind of weapon to use when a fight stirrs up. What's wrong here is the difference in INTENTIONS. All we wanted is someone to listen and actually care, someone who gets out of the box they're in, looks inside at himself/herself and SEES things; someone real.

Your intents and thoughts oppose theirs. You had NO INTENTS AND THOUGHTS you just feel comfortable with those people and they don't actually see that. Is it a fault? Do you think they're the right people to keep? I don't.

"The rain began again. It fell heavily, easily, with no meaning or intention but the fulfilment of its own nature, which was to fall and fall." -Helen Garner

Monday, November 12, 2012

A little Song to Share

I've had this song on replay for a while now, I love the lyrics! It's also the soundtrack of one of my favorite movies!!! INTO THE WILD

P.S: Eddie Vedder :)

It's a mystery to me  
We have a greed with which we have agreed  
You think you have to want more than you need  
Until you have it all you won't be free
Society, you're a crazy breed  

I hope you're not lonely without me
When you want more than you have 

You think you need  
And when you think more than you want  
Your thoughts begin to bleed
I think I need to find a bigger place 

'Cause when you have more than you think  
You need more space
Society, you're a crazy breed  

I hope you're not lonely without me  
Society, crazy and deep 
I hope you're not lonely without me
There's those thinking more or less, less is more  

But if less is more how you're keeping score?  
Means for every point you make your level drops  
Kinda like it's starting from the top, you can't do that
Society, you're a crazy breed 

I hope you're not lonely without me  
Society, crazy and deep  
I hope you're not lonely without me
Society, have mercy on me 

I hope you're not angry if I disagree  
Society, crazy and deep  
I hope you're not lonely without me

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Universe Of The Mi

Everything you see exists. Everything you see doesn't exist. Everything you see might not exist. Everything you see might exist. Statements of 'might' and might-not all lead me to the universe of the Mi where rainbows are a state of mind and clowns are dead because they creep me out.

Getting access to the universe of the mi requires you to own the extravagance of not owning anything. Not owning anything could be accomplished by one's finding himself/herself by losing and getting lost. Once you've lost all the crap your mind has been infested with, once you've just gotten rid of every single thing that was created for you to follow and understand, and once you've just reached the middle of nowhere with an empty mind away from everything that didn't exist but has been made to exist, you may proceed.

It's empty.

Choose your choosings. Choosings, ha. If you started to look for choosings to choose from, then I'm sorry go try to own not owning anything again and return. However, if you've reached the serenity of the universe of the Mi you're now aware that you aren't entitled to be limited between choices or actually pick things.
Move along. We provide cupcakes for all tastes. For more information contact the curtain eve bunny. Crocodiles aren't actually green. I love Tesla. Wooot.
